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Garden Parasols Blog

Friday, 14 December 2012

Hedging Plants and How They Can Enhance Your Garden


In certain situations, a new hedge for your property could be the perfect solution to help you resolve an issue that in some way compromises your enjoyment of your home. Sometimes it is not until you have been living in a property for some time that you come to realise that being overlooked by passersby or your neighbours feels intrusive, or perhaps reach a point where you have had enough of an ugly view or a main road that looks, sounds or feels far too close for comfort.
By simply planting up a new natural hedge using plants of your choice, these types of issues and many more can be overcome and managed effectively without breaking the bank. Not only can a hedge help you to overcome issues that affect your enjoyment of your home, they can also do a lot to improve the look of your home and garden, making an attractive new feature. A properly maintained natural hedge can be used to complement any home or exterior space.
To create or improve privacy for your home and garden, look for plants that are fast growing with the potential to achieve a reasonable height and protect you from feeling exposed. There is nothing worse than looking up from whatever you might be doing in the privacy of your home and realising you have someone gaping at you! A tall, reasonably established hedge can give you complete privacy and if required can additionally be used to boost security for your home. A tall, dense or thorny hedge planted around your boundary, makes it difficult, or in some cases impossible for unwanted visitors to enter your property without using the desired route. As part of your security plan a hedge can play a key role in your homes security, creating an impenetrable barrier wherever you need one and giving you peace of mind.
A well-maintained Leylandii providing privacy in a natural way

The environment around us is subject to change over time, buildings are constructed, changed and pulled down and occasionally the view from your house or garden can be affected by an addition that is out of your control. Rather than put up with overlooking a row of bins or some other monstrosity you could well do without, a hedge may be just the answer you have been looking for. With the right choice of plants and a creative planting design, you could potentially screen an unwanted view and disappear it altogether.
Busy roads and industrial units also have the potential to cause stress and problems for the homeowner and in some circumstances; natural hedges can be used to overcome issues in this area too. By this I mean issues caused by excessive noise or pollution. Surprisingly, through planting a double row of hedge using the right type of plants, noise pollution can be significantly reduced. Equally, certain plants can be used to manage the unwanted effects resulting from other pollution and traffic.
Excessively strong prevailing winds can wreak havoc if your home is exposed with no protection. This is another problem that can be combated with plants, by using them to form a barrier and give effective protection.
If you plan to use a natural hedge to improve your home, it may help to visit your local garden centre where you can get some professional advice regarding the best plants for your project and then take things from there.
Are you on the hunt for Leylandii Hedging Plants? Greenshutters Evergreen Hedging Tree Nursery, with a garden centre based near Taunton, Somerset has been growing trees and evergreen hedges on the nursery, including leylandii, laurel & evergreen shrubs since 1980. Come and visit us.

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